Vervain, Blue

Hawthorne Institute Farm

$ 5.95

Blue Vervain

Verbena hastata PERENNIAL.

A slender, but erect, herbaceous plant in the Verbenaceae family that grows up to 5’ tall. Individual floral spikes are up to 5” long and densely crowded in a candelabra with numerous blue-violet flowers. The small, tubular, blue-violet flowers bloom from the bottom up in July’s heat. Found in river bottom prairies, moist mead- ows, in floodplain, woodlands, soggy thickets, borders

of rivers and ponds, marshes, ditches, fence rows, and pastures. This plant adapts readily to degraded wetlands and other disturbed areas, but it can be found in higher quality habitats as well. Widely-distributed plant. Full sun to partial sun. Zones 3 to 8. HIF.

Packet: 1/5g

* The Sparkly folks shown with the Blue Vervain to demonstrate its height are Taryn Lynx Hunter and Todd Anthony of the Hawthorne Institute Farm

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