Contributing Seed Growers

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Contributing Seed Growers:

Siskiyou Seeds produces about 60% of our seed from our Certified Organic home farm, Seven Seeds Farm, and works with growers both in our local SW Oregon area and slightly farther afield to be able to offer a greater diversity of varieties.  We are deeply grateful to these family farms that have integrated seed production into diversified farm systems.  Most seed companies conceal the source of their seed, because it is generally coming from one of the giant multi-national seed companies, often produced overseas and increasingly encumbered by restrictive Intellectual Property (IP) restrictions (patents, trademarks and proprietary technologies).  We are committed to helping to foster a resilient seed system through having a network of skilled organic seed growers in the United States.

SSF:  Seven Seeds Farm, Williams, OR                                   Latitude 42.2˚ N

Our biodynamic approach to seed growing aims to develop varieties that are resilient and capable of thriving in low-input, diverse micro-farming conditions. Siskiyou Seeds lives happily at Seven Seeds Farm, where we produce the majority of seed that we sell. We are certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

ADV: Andrew Still & Sarah Kleager in Sweet Home, OR       Latitude 44.4° N

Andrew & Sarah actually have their own awesome farm-based seed company called Adaptive Seeds.  They were kind enough to share some Brussels Sprout seed that they grew this year with us.  We hope to include more seed stewarded by this dynamic duo soon. certified organic with Oregon Tilth. Check them out at

 AFF: Affinity Farms, Moscow, ID                                             Latitude 46.7˚ N

Kelly Kingsland and Russel Poe have been farming organically  on their one acre farm for about 22 years. They grow produce as well as seed crops. Not only do they provide excellent seed to Siskiyou Seeds but they are also a part of the Snake River Seed Coop. Affinity Farms is certified organic by the Idaho State Dept of Agriculture.

BBF: Bluebird Farm, Williams, OR                                                  Latitude 42.2˚ N

Durgesh and Michele Scherer of Hi Hoe Produce at Bluebird Farm (west fork Williams Valley), have grown crops together for 40 seasons. They produce high quality roots, fruits, and vegetables on their intensive production farm. They grow a diversity of seeds on contract for seed companies as well as growing most of the seed for their own crops. certified organic with Oregon Tilth

CDF: Chickadee Farm, Talent, OR                                           Latitude   42.1˚ N  

Since 1997, Chickadee Farm is a certified organic family farm specializing in high quality produce and vegetable seed grown using organic and biodynamic methods. Located in Talent, Oregon, Chickadee Farm is owned and managed by Kelly Gelino and Sebastian Aguilar. certified organic with Oregon Tilth

DCF:  Dave Christensen Farm, Big Timber, MT                           Latitude 45.8° N   We are happy to be bringing back Painted Mountain corn right from the source – breeder and grower, Dave Christensen who has been a source of vision and inspiration for many amateur plant breeders with his devotion to this successful project.  Read more about it . and click here to hear Dave talk about breeding high nutrition corns

 DBF: Dancing Bear Farm, Williams, OR                                        Latitude 42.2˚ N

Steve Florin & family have been growing certified organic seeds commercially for 16 years for several seed companies.  They grow many varieties of open-pollinated and heirloom vegetables, flowers, and herbs for markets and seed.  Steve will be mentoring a group of young farmers to take over their seed production in 2020 as he eyes retirement. certified organic with Oregon Tilth Thank you, Steve,

ERP:  Eel River Produce, Shively, CA                                           Latitude 40.25˚ N

Seasoned farmer, Bill Reynolds, farms amidst the redwoods on the Eel River in southern Humboldt County, CA.  Bill is a produce farmer, seed grower and plant breeder and has co-developed (with John Navazio) Dark Star zucchini.  He also works with tomatoes, squash and melons.  certified organic with CCOF.

FLA: Flora, Williams, OR                                                           Latitude 42.2˚ N

Stacey Denton grows organic cut flowers and flower, herb, and vegetable seed at her homestead, Flora Farm.  With over 10 years working as both a farmer and floral designer, we are grateful for her insight into what captivates the eye in terms of beauty, color and texture.  In 2018 she began curating the flower collections for Siskiyou Seeds and expanding our offerings to become a trusted source of quality open-pollinated organic flower seeds for cut flower growers.

FCF: Feral Farm, Applegate, OR                                                    Latitude 42.1˚ N

Feral Farm is a small organic farm on Thompson Creek that is dedicated entirely to producing high quality, open pollinated vegetable and flower seed, and heirloom garlic. Cacia Huff has been farming in southern OR since 2015 and saving seeds since 2012. certified organic with Oregon Tilth

FHF: Feral Heart Farm, Sunol, CA                                                 Latitude  37.7° N

  Located near Oakland, Ca, Feral Heart Farm is led by farmer Kanoa Dinwoodie. The farm sells organic produce to local restaurants as well as runs a CSA program.  Feral Heart Farm is certified organic by California Certified Organic Farmers.

 FRF: First Rain Farm.. Nevada City                                              Latitude  39.2° N

 First Rain Farm is  no-till organic farm led by Tim Van Wagner. They sell organic produce at farmers markets, grocery stores and restaurants.  They also offer land stewardship services and u-pick berries. They are certified organic by California Certified Organic Farmers.

 FOT: Friend of the Trees Botanicals, Port Hadlock, WA              Latitude 48.0° N

 Led by long time herbalist and permaculture practitioner Micheal  “Skeeter” Pilarski, Friends of the Trees wildcraft botanicals and cultivate medicinal plants. They provide us with excellent organic certified herb seeds. They are certified organic by Oregon Tilth.

HIF: Hawthorn Institute: Williams, OR                                             Latitude 42.2 N

Todd Anthony is the Education Garden Manager at the Hawthorn Institute.  He is an herbalist, cook, basket weaver, gardener and educator. Todd has an earth-based spirit, with a passion for plant-based medicine/food and using plants to affect and change the human body.  He finds that stewarding land in the vibration of community allows the forest to enter as medicine and to unlock our inner truths and capacity for deepening connections.

HMF: Dan Hobbs, Hobbs & Meyer Farm, Avondale, CO             Latitude 38.15˚ N

Dan grows certified organic garlic, open pollinated seeds, fresh vegetables, grains, cover crops and hay in a six-year rotation. This rotation, along with the aridity, keeps disease and pest pressure to a minimum and yields premium quality food, seed and forage.

HOO: Alan Adesse, Hands on Organics, Eugene, OR                     Latitude 44˚ N

Alan has been producing organic seed for nearly 30 years and shares the delicious Sweet Lorane Fava beans, Pronto beets, rutabaga seed and Alan “Mushroom” Kapuler’s Painted Hills Sweet Corn, and more with all of us. certified organic with Oregon Tilth

HBF: Katherine O’Brien Farm, Weed, CA                                     Latitude 41.25˚ N

Katherine is a new farmer who moved back to her homeland in Siskiyou County to take up the challenge of helping to supply her bioregion with high quality organic food. In addition to growing high quality vegetable seed she also grows produce for a local CSA in Siskiyou County, which has a great blog at

 KRF: Resilient Seeds, Everson, WA                                              Latitude 48.9° N

We welcome Krista into our circle of seed producers.  She came to Seed Academy training and had a wealth of experience to offer.  She produced a nice crop of Rosa di Milano Onion seed for us.  Check out her seed offerings at:

LKF: Lupine Knoll Farm, Williams, OR                                         Latitude 42.2˚ N  

Lupine Knoll farm is on the Williams Creek and are doing tremendous work with developing new open- pollinated, high nutrition sweet corn, broccoli, kale, tomatoes, and marigolds.  Their strategic thinking in plant breeding has resulted in varieties that have many valuable traits for organic growers.  Sadly Jonathan Spero passed away at home in early 2020. He is survived by his wife Jessie and their 3 adult children. certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

 LRF: L&R Family Farm, Provolt, OR                                              Latitude 42.2˚ N

Ryan Dolan farms organically in the Applegate River Valley growing market produce and seeds for a variety of commercial catalog companies.  His approach to farming encompasses stewardship of grain crops, cattle, hogs, pasture and vegetables in a cohesive way that upholds good family farming ethics. certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

OFS: Organic Farm School, Freeland, Whidbey Island, WA           Latitude 48° N

Aaron Varadi is the farm manager at this farmer training center.  We were fortunate to have Aaron intern here at Seven Seeds Farm back in 2008.  We are proud to see him continuing with organic seeds.

PRO: Prairie Road Organics, Fullerton, ND                                   Latitude 46.1˚ N

Prairie Road Organic Farm has been certified organic since 1977.  The Podoll family have bred and selected vegetable varieties that perform well agronomically in their organic gardens and are well-adapted to our northern growing region.  They say:  “We are proud to offer seed of the varieties we have been working to breed, improve and secure in the public domain for decades...”

 NHF: Nash Huber, Sequim, WA                                                         Latitude 48˚ N

Nash Huber has been developing organic carrot, kale and cabbage strains based on his 40+ years in the organic fresh market produce world.  The team at Nash’s is farming about 600 acres of vegetables, berries, orchard, pigs, poultry, and compost, and the rest is fallow or in hay.

Sol Cycle Farm, Corvallis, OR                                                         Latitude 44.5° N

Established in the Willamette in 2019, Sol Cyle Farm is run by farmer Jason Bradford. Not only do they grow seed but also  the farm has a CSA in partnership with Oregon State University's Organic Growers Club. Sol Cycle is certified organic by Oregon Tilth.

SMF: Still Moon Farm, Applegate Valley, OR                                 Latitude 42.2° N

 Located in the nearby Applegate Valley, Still Moon Farm focuses on east asian medicinal plants. Jonathan and Andrew cultivated about an acre of their property; they provide not only seeds but also high quality bulk medicinal herbs. They are certified organic by Oregon Tilth and hold a Wild Harvest certificate as well.

SRF: Strong Roots Farm: Potter Valley, CA                                   Latitude 39.3˚ N

Soren contacted us after trialing our Mountain Honey musk melon and wanted to obtain more seed, which led to them growing a successful seed crop of this excellent orange fleshed melon.  We are grateful to be developing this new seed growing relationship.

SRN: Seed Revolution Now, Steve Peters, Central CA                 Latitude 37.5˚ N

Steve works with excellent organic seed growers such as Bill Reynolds, Nash Huber, Alan Adesse and more to source true workhorse varieties that can thrive under organic growing conditions. He is a fine seed grower himself too!

SUF: Sun Spirit Farm, Murphy, OR                                                 Latitude 42.3˚ N

Brian Hannagan and Michelle Bieneck grow fresh market produce for the Siskiyou Sustainable Cooperative, local Growers’ Markets and wholesale clients at their gorgeous farm along the Applegate River.  Inspired by Michelle’s commitment to naturopathic medicine, they also produce medicinal herbs and medicinal herb seeds.  certified organic with Oregon Tilth

SWF: Swift River Farm, Salmon Idaho                                           Latitude 45.1° N

 A small but diverse farm located in the mountains of Idaho run by Jeremy Shreve and Jessica McAleese. They run a CSA program, sell vegetables at farmers markets and grocery stores as well as growing seeds and seed garlic.  Swift River Farm is certified organic by Oregon tilth.

TRS: Twisp River Seed, Twisp,WA                                                  Latitude 48.2˚ N

Anaka Mines grows at Twisp River Seed, which is a 1 acre farm that has been producing vegetable, herb, and flower seed since 2013. Located 3 miles up Twisp River from the tiny town of Twisp, Washington, all seed produced at Twisp River Seed is sold wholesale to seed retailers around the region and the country. They specialize in seed crops that thrive in the semi-arid inland Northwest, but also like to experiment with a diverse cropping system while maintaining a few plantFrom their website: "Uprising Seeds is a small family run certified organic seed farm and the culmination of years of fresh market farming, variety trialing, seed production and breeding work, and most importantly, a decades-long love affair with food and its power to bring people together. Our ideal vision of seed sustainability involves farmers and gardeners as the stewards of the varieties that they depend on. We are therefore committed to strengthening the public commons of seed genetics by working to preserve and improve open-pollinated varieties keeping biodiversity strong through adaptability and resilience."

UPR: Uprising Seeds Farm, Bellingham, WA                               Latitude 48.75˚ N

From their website: "Uprising Seeds is a small family run certified organic seed farm and the culmination of years of fresh market farming, variety trialing, seed production and breeding work, and most importantly, a decades-long love affair with food and its power to bring people together. Our ideal vision of seed sustainability involves farmers and gardeners as the stewards of the varieties that they depend on. We are therefore committed to strengthening the public commons of seed genetics by working to preserve and improve open-pollinated varieties keeping biodiversity strong through adaptability and resilience."

WFF: Wandering Fields, Applegate, OR                                         Latitude 42.1˚ N

Ben Yohai and family grow a mixture of vegetables and seeds in the upper Applegate Valley.  In addition to contributing produce to the Siskiyou Sustainable Cooperative CSA, you will find them at the Ashland Tuesday Growers’ Market in Summer with stunning vegetables and delicious fermented foods. certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

WWA: Wayward Acres Farm                                                          Latitude 42.2˚ N

Wayward Acres is a certified organic seed and vegetable farm located in the Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. Ellyn Greene and Nick Boysel established Wayward Acres in 2018 after falling in love with the valley, seed production, and each other through years of working on and managing farms in the area.'certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

WGF: Wolf Gulch Farm, Jacksonville, OR                                     Latitude 42.2˚ N

Tom and Maud Powell farm in a remote canyon in the beautiful Little Applegate River Valley.  They also coordinate a cooperative CSA program called the Siskiyou Sustainable Cooperative.  Their excellent genetic isolation and extensive farming experience make them invaluable growers of high-quality organic seed. certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

WGS: Wild Garden Seeds, Philomath, OR                                     Latitude 44.3˚ N

Frank and Karen Morton have greatly helped to raise the bar on the quality of organic salad greens seed available over the last 25 years.  Frank has bred many unique, disease resistant and nutritious varieties.  Further – Frank has become a hero to many independent-minded amateur plant breeders looking to re-write the story of regional seed systems. certified organic with Oregon Tilth.

WTF: Weather Top Farm, Applegate, OR                                       Latitude 42.2˚ N

Geoffrey Lagoe grows seed crops in the Rogue Valley. certified organic with Oregon Tilth


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