Seven Seeds Farm
(170 days)
A Midwestern prairie native, this Rudbeckia has come into wide use as a drought tolerant, short-lived perennial that serves well as “filler” in bouquets. Also looks good in the back border of the garden. Triloba bears scores of 1-2” flowers, all yellow-petaled with a central brown “cone”, atop wiry, multi-branched stems. Grows up to 5.5’ tall. Space at 12”. Start 8-10 weeks prior to last Spring frost to encourage bloom in first year. Provide support. Short lived Perennial. SSF.
Packet: (1/4g ~115 seeds)
Amaranth, Coral Fountains
$ 5.95
Amaranth, Elephant Head
Amaranth, Emerald Tassels
Amaranth, Red Dye Plume