Dyer's Collection #I

Seven Seeds Farm

$ 23.95 $ 29.75

Dyer’s Collection I (5 packets)  

Great for spinners, weavers, and fiber artists of all types, our Dyer’s Mix is the missing piece in your pursuit of producing sustainable food, medicine, and fiber.  Did you know that chemical textile dyes are highly toxic and a significant pollutant to our earth’s soils and water?  Move to greater self-reliance and earth stewardship by growing your own textile dyes!  OR, just get crafty. Our mix of 5 packets with growing tips includes: Coreopsis Dyer's, Cosmos Sunrise, Indigo Japanese, Marigold African Giant, Zinnia Scarlet.  We reserve the right to make substitutions to this collection with other similar varieties, if necessary.  

$22.50  (Save 10% off the individual packet price)  

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