Millet, Aukses Foxtail

Siskiyou Seeds Farm


Millet, Aukse's Foxtail

(100 days) Setaria italica -

Most typically grown for floral arrangements and bird seed. Tops are dense almost fluffy looking clusters of small seeds that grow from 4-10” long. Tops droop in a form that resembles a foxes tail. Lovely waving growth characteristic when caught by a breeze in the garden. 

From our friends at Adaptive Seeds who obtained it while on their Seed Ambassadors Project by The Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture in Dotnuva, Lithuania, who wrote that “the breeder there had been working with millets since long before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the birds at the zoo prefer his varieties.” 

Foxtail millet has a hull which is quite difficult to remove and as such used for the applications above more often than human consumption. Millets may have been consumed by humans for about 7,000 years and potentially had "a pivotal role in the rise of multi-crop agriculture and settled farming societies". Interestingly, millet is the 5th most commonly cultivated grain crop in the world after wheat, rice, corn and barley. HEIRLOOM.

Packet 1g (~150 seeds) 

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