Spring Seed Academy 5/17-19, 2024

May 12-15, 2023 @ Siskiyou Seeds

Join the Seed Academy with teachers Don Tipping, (Siskiyou Seeds), & guests Stacey Denton (Flora Organic Flowers) and Jessica Plancich- Shinners (Fierce Grace consulting)

An in-depth, hands-on training for farmers, gardeners, educators, entrepreneurs, permaculturalists & anyone interested in becoming a part of the Seed Movement. Learn with the experts. Gain the essential skills you need to harvest & process seed. Learn the fundamentals of plant breeding & propagation. Receive the step-by step tools, strategies & inspired vision required to start or upgrade a seed business, or implement a seed system to you farm or homestead. Meet & network with your bioregional neighbors to optimize results. The Seed Academy’s mission is to increase network capacity, collaboration & synergy in the Seed Freedom Movement in the Rogue Bioregion & beyond. Course will include deep dives into whole systems, permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and solutions oriented action steps. We plan to arrange a field trip to another small farm that produces organic seeds.

While this course focuses on Reproductive Biology in plants and the related seed saving science, we also delve into whole systems permaculture and pattern literacy to illuminate how central seeds are to human civilization. Many people leave this course transformed, inspired and energized!

WHEN: 3 day Event begins Friday, May 17 @ 9:00am and runs through Sunday, 5/19 at 4pm. The event is 9 am through 6pm with dinner to follow and a more open, salon type format after dinner. People travelling from out of town can arrive Thursday eve to set up camp.

WHAT: We invite you to join us for a 3 day intensive training in seed saving, basic botany, reproductive biology in plants, understanding selection, planting seeds, soil mixes, seed germination, isolation, crossing, seed libraries, seed storage, germination tests and much more. Don Tipping is the lead instructor who brings over 30 years experience in organic farming, seeds, permaculture and enthusiastic on-farm education. The Seed Academy is much more than a simple "seed saving" course, but rather a deep dive into whole systems theory and management and an immersive experience in a mature Permaculture Farm site.

WHO: Gardeners, farmers, permaculturalists, homesteaders, those interested in starting a neighborhood seed library or seed bank, those interested in stewarding and preserving heirloom varieties, and all who see growing and saving seed as a wonderful way to grow a positive future. No prior experience is necessary, however, some gardening familiarity will be helpful.

HOW: includes delicious organic meals from the farm, camping, showers, instruction, handouts, field trips and a deeply nourishing dive into co-creating regenerative culture. In order to support local growers who envision themselves becoming part of a local seed production network. If you are traveling from out of the area and would like to camp on Thursday (5/11) night please email don@siskiyouseeds.com to pre-arrange that.

Course Fees: Full Price - $650 (if able to pay the full price you enable us to welcome more people through scholarships.) Includes instruction, tours, excellent organic meals and camping.

Early Bird Discount (until 4/11/23) - $550

Farm Tour only: Friday, 5/17/24, 9 am - 1 pm. - $40

SCHOLARSHIPS: No one turned away for lack of funds. We offer a limited amount of scholarship opportunities. We welcome help with course logistics. The hope is to eliminate any barrier for folks who want to participate. Please send an email sharing a bit about why attending this course will benefit your journey to become a seed steward to don@siskiyouseeds.com to apply.

VISION: The journey with connecting more deeply with seeds as a source point of life begins with seed saving, then progresses to seed growing on a farm or garden preservation scale. The master level is seed stewardship, cultivating a deep relationship with the species and all of its potential for bioregional adaptation to climate, pests, disease and agronomic & culinary preferences.

We visualize interconnected Community Seed Hubs that are capable of doing breeding, selection, stewardship and improvement that work with bioregional centers that can do finish cleaning, climate controlled storage, marketing and distribution of high quality, open-pollinated organic seeds. In this way we can co-create a sustainable seed system that will support organic food production for local markets and resilient local food systems. Seven Seeds Farm is home to Siskiyou Seeds - a certified organic family farm seed company and has been striving towards providing a Community Seed Hub for the Rogue Valley. We are partnering with the following non-profits Our Family Farms, Southern Oregon Seed Growers Association and other seed freedom organizations.

Reccomended Reading before or after:

Seed To Seed, by Susan Ashworth

The Organic Seed Grower, by John Navazio

The Seed Garden, Jared Zystro & Miceala Colley

Guns, Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond

Where Our Food Comes From, Gary Nabham

Garden Seed Inventory, Seed Savers Exchange

Return to Resistance, by Roaul Robinson

Bred Your Own Vegetable Varieties, Carol Deppe

Shattering, Cary Fowler

Plants & People, & Seed to Civilization, Charles Heiser

Register through EventBrite by clicking link Here


email don@siskiyouseeds.com for more info


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