Broccoli, Spigariello 'Liscia'

Seven Seeds Farm

$ 4.95

Broccoli, Spigariello 'Liscia'(60-80 days)

Brassica oleracea

This variety occupies a unique position in the Broccoli pantheon that is more a cousin  to broccoli than a sibling as evidenced by its white flowers (rather than yellow) that reminds one of the perennial 9-Star Broccoli from China.  Developed in S.Italy as a leaf variety rather than a heading type.  Best grown as a Spring or Fall variety for its elongated, twisty blue green leaves that are eaten as you would Kale.

From a Specialty Produce write up, "The name Spigarelllo is the American term for the plant, which is a corruption of the Italian name Spigariello, and the greens are also known as Cima di Rapa, Broccoli Spigarello, and Cavolo Broccolo a Getti di Napoli. Spigarello was primarily localized to Southern Italy until it was established in the United States in the late 20th century. Over time, the variety began to appear at farmer’s markets, where it has widely increased in popularity in the last decade among chefs and foodies. Spigarello is a cut-and-come-again, cool-season crop that can withstand slight frost and will deliver multiple harvests. The green is highly favored for its sweet, subtly bitter flavor, sturdy texture, and exclusivity." Heirloom. SSF.

 Packet (1/2 g ≈ 180 seeds)

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