
Seven Seeds Farm



Althea offcianalis 

Perennial. This is an easy to grow perennial herb that requires little to no care once established. The roots contain abundant mucilage, which is the original source of "marshmallows", and are beneficial medicinally for respiratory ailments. Chunky roots are harvested in winter when the plant is dormant and can be sliced thinly, dried and then used in teas, or infused for tinctures. Dried roots are actually pleasantly sweet to chew. Being a Malva family plant its relatives include hollyhock, hibiscus, and the common garden weed Malva, or "cheese weed", named so after the appearance of the seed clusters. It grows about 3 ft tall with pale pink blossoms that are attractive to bumblebees.

Packet: (0.3g~100 seeds)

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