Hawthorne Institute Farm
Leonurus cardiaca
Short-lived and self-seeding herbaceous perennial, native to Europe and Asia.It produces tall purple spikes with many flowers that pollinators find attractive. Grows to 4-5 feet tall. Medicinally, motherwort has a calming, sleep aiding, nerve & heart settling effect. Also useful as a dark green dye plant. Very hardy and can naturalize and self seed easily here in the PNW. After flowering, the seeding heads are prickly, so you might want to keep them cut back. Does make excellent cut flowers. Sow in spring in the greenhouse and transplant outdoors in April or May. Flowers the first year, to a height of 4 to 6 feet. SSF
Packet: (1/2 g.)
$ 5.95
Arnica, Meadow