Pollinator Mix, Annual Early Flowering/ Cool Season

Siskiyou Seeds Farm



Pollinator Mix, Early Flowering / Cool Season

Pollinators are a key cornerstone of a thriving, healthy ecosystem in your garden.  Not only do they help to pollinate the fruiting vegetables, but often the adult stage of many beneficial insects like Ladybugs and Green Lacewings that feed upon nectar (while their larvae stage is insectivorous).  Plant a multi-species Garden Ecology!

This mix includes a variety of species that are easy to direct sow and can be planted early in the spring and will flower relatively quickly. It is also able to self seed and somewhat naturalize. Species included are: Cilantro, Mustards, Arugula, Phacelia, Buckwheat, Cosmos, and Calendula. Provides color, nectar, and pollen over a long flowering period. Grows to about 18-36" high. (Exact mix may vary). SSF

From BeeGirl: * 20% of the sale of Siskiyou Seeds' pollinator mixes will go to support our mission to educate and inspire communities to conserve bees, their flowers, and our food.  

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!  We decided to partner up with a high-quality local, organic seed grower, with an impeccable reputation.  Don Tipping, founding farmer of Siskiyou Seeds​, was up to the task of building the best mix possible for all seasons, climates, and a wide variety of bee species.  In 2017, we planted, and monitored, 29 different flower varieties.  In 2018, we have planted even more, and are looking forward to continuing to provide Siskiyou Seeds with some valuable data. 

Follow the project on Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #siskiyouseedsforbees for updates on our research and bee-friendly flower planting and care tips!   


Packet: 5 g


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